Dr. JAYAPAUL was called and anointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to build the Kingdom of God. It pleased the Lord to use him as an evangelist, missionary, pastor, radio and television preacher.
He was born in Bellari, India, on February 29th, 1952.
He was touched by the vision of the Lord in his teenage subsequently called by the Lord to be a
prophet unto the Nations
(Jeremiah 1:2)
He repented for his sins and gave his heart to the Lord, seeking
God's will for his life. The Lord spoke to him, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew
you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Dr. JAYAPAUL trusted and obeyed God's call.
Dr. JAYAPAUL left everything and attended Bible College in Chennai. During his ten years of theological training, he ministered among the people in streets, slums, prisons and hospitals. It pleased the Lord to use him as a soul winner.
As a missionary , preacher, teacher , Motivational Speaker and pastor Dr Jayapaul reached the hearts of the people through various means like Bi-Monthly Magazine Tv, Radio Program And Social Media And transformed them to be the disciples of Christ, through the Holy Spirit
Our TV programs, telecasted in several channels have become a blessing to many. Check out our schedules and plan your time.
Over 350 GetTogethers which were conducted for the believers in various parts of India and abroad reached 300 thousand God chosen people who were molded in the Christ likeness and burden for the perishing souls have become prayer warriors and gospel preachers.
Calvary Revival Meetings “More than 100 revival meetings which were conducted across the world were attended by over 7 million people who repented for their sins and gave their hearts to the Lord starting from 2008 till today.”
With The Dawn Of The Covid-19 Lockdown And When People Were Held Up To Their Homes The Lord Has Miracalously Opened The Doors To Spread The Word Through Social Media. All By His Grace We Are Able To Spread The Word In Multiple Languages In Our Social Media Pages
With The Burden For The Downtrodden We Have Been Visiting A Number Of Orphanages, Oldage Homes , Flood Affected People, And Abandoned/Forsaken Individuals On The Streets Spreading The Love Of God . Our Only Goal Is To Win These Souls For The Lord .
Our Today's Children Are The Future Soul Winners For The Lord. To Bring Out Their Hidden Talents And Use For The Lord We Have Been Conducting Children Retreats And Kids Talents Shows .
More than 50 spiritual books and a bimonthly magazine started in 1985 continues till today and reaches millions of people.
The tribal ministry, among the Irula tribes (people in dark) in the foothills of Nilgiris in India has reached nearly 40 hamlets; some of it are not in the census of the government.
Radio ministry which started in 1992 continued till 2012 was the first broadcast in Telugu which is one of the widely spoken language in India and abroad. Many are transformed and edified by the word preached in almost 33 countries across the world.
(EST: 2008)
The humble beginning of CALVARY EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP (CEF) ministry started with street preaching, reaching rural and urban areas. People were baptized and churches were built in different places.
Dr Jayapaul who is the founder of this ministry walked nearly fourteen thousand kms, cycled forty thousand kms, rode a motorbike for fifty thousand kms apart from the countless car, train and aeroplane journeys globally to preach the word of God in different countries.
Young people were trained as evangelists and missionaries, sent to work among tribes, slums and to different parts of the country, for more than Five decades. Today many of them are pastors and TV preachers doing a wonderful ministry for the Lord.
The numerous books written by Dr Jayapaul were full of Bible truths, edifies the readers spiritually. The Calvary Premadhara bi-monthly magazine started. 1985, continues till today and reaches millions of people.
(EST. 1983)
The humble beginning of CALVARY EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP (CEF) ministry started with street preaching, reaching rural and urban areas. People were baptized and churches were built in different places.
Dr Jayapaul who is the founder of this ministry walked nearly fourteen thousand kms, cycled forty thousand kms, rode a motorbike for fifty thousand kms apart from the countless car, train and aeroplane journeys globally to preach the word of God in different countries.
Young people were trained as evangelists and missionaries, sent to work among tribes, slums and to different parts of the country, for more than Five decades. Today many of them are pastors and TV preachers doing a wonderful ministry for the Lord.
The numerous books written by Dr Jayapaul were full of Bible truths, edifies the readers spiritually. The Calvary Premadhara bi-monthly magazine started. 1985, continues till today and reaches millions of people.
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